Headteacher and Chair of Governors Letter

This letter explains the level of care and attention we must all take as the school starts to open to more children. Nothing is being taken lightly and the risk assessment is an on-going process as things change.

Below is a letter from Birmingham Federation of Maintained Nursery Schools Chair.

11th June 2020

Dear Parents / Carers of Lillian de Lissa Nursery School Children

Thank you for your continued support, kindness and patience during this challenging time.  

Working in collaboration with the 11 other settings that form the Birmingham Federation of Maintained Nursery Schools, we continue to follow and review the recent government guidance in order to assess the potential for a greater number of children returning to us.

The safety and well-being of your children and our staff team are our highest priorities. As instructed by Birmingham City Council, we will only offer further places if and when, everything is in place to provide the safest possible environment. This will be done gently and progressively, in accordance with the priorities identified by government. Each Federation school site has its own contextual challenges to overcome and as a result some sites will open to more children ahead of others, but overall we hope to have all school sites serving additional children over the next 5-10 days.

We, at Lillian de Lissa are hoping for it to be possible for us to begin reopening/increasing our capacity from Monday 15th June 2020 and following stringent risk assessment processes our team is currently, amongst other steps, modifying the physical environment, rationalising resources, and updating policies, protocols and guidance for staff and parents in order that we can offer the most warm, caring, stimulating and supportive provision whilst ensuring that all children and adults remain safe. As I am sure you can imagine, this is a large balancing task and we thank you for your patience while we work to get this right. 

We continue to provide places to the vulnerable and children of key workers that we are currently accommodating. If your child is currently part of our Nursery School and you believe you now fit this criteria, due to a change in your circumstances; please call us on 0121 675 3421.

For all other families wishing to return your child to us, we will be in touch if and when capacity becomes available. In the mean time we will continue to support our children and will remain connected to all parents and continue to provide online and/or physical resources and activities in the way that we have been doing throughout these challenging times.

Thank you. Keep safe 

Sean Delaney

Chair of Governing Board

Lillian de Lissa Nursery School



B5 7LX

Contact Information

Tel: 0121 675 3421

Office Manager -Eileen Dev:

Email: enquiry@ldelissa.bham.sch.uk

Please ask at reception if you need a paper copy of any information given on this web site.

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