🔴 Our learning environments are set up to support play and develop child centred learning. 

This means:

🔴 We create environments that make children curious and want to investigate and interact. We provide opportunities to take part in sensory exploration - touching, feeling, smelling and responding.
We use a wide range of provocations or invitations to explore which engage the children in many deep-level learning situations. 

See our Learning Gallery https://lilliandelissa.sch.life/Page/Detail/learning-gallery

🔴 All around the nursery there are 'loose parts' or 'open-ended' materials which, by definition do not have a pre-determined use, so can be included in all types of play or investigation. These materials allow children to make choices and express their creativity. Playing with these materials fuels the imagination, engages the senses and differentiates to meet evey childs needs.

These are some examples of loose parts, all kinds of materials with all kinds of properties:

Naturals - conkers, leaves, fir cones, flowers, stones, shells

Wood - twigs, bark, blocks, bamboo, feathers

Metal - washers, bottle tops, screws, paper clips

Plastic - bowls, pots, lids, discs 

Fabric - samples scarves, clothes, rags, carpet pieces 

This ethos allows us to up-cycle and recycle many materials from our households and in school. We talk to the children about this as being important for our local and the global environment.


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Lillian de Lissa Nursery School



B5 7LX

Contact Information

Tel: 0121 675 3421

Office Manager -Eileen Dev:

Email: enquiry@ldelissa.bham.sch.uk

Please ask at reception if you need a paper copy of any information given on this web site.

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