More Activities & Information

As lockdown is being slowly eased at Lillian de Lissa we are still keen to make sure everyone stays well and safe. So if your children are coming to school we will be making sure that the environment stays hygienic and regular hand washing is taking place.

With very small children social distancing is not fully understood so the learning opportunities available in school will be considered and set up in the best possible way to keep the children at a safe distance from each other.

If you are homeschooling here is a link to some more stories to read with your children

And some more play ideas

It is World Environment Day this Friday- June 5th and the theme is Biodiversity. It is of vital importance that we care for our environment so anything you can do to celebrate and protect it is worthwhile. Going to the park and putting your litter in the bin, recycling your plastic, glass, paper and metal or even planting some seeds with your children are brilliant and simple ways to support this.

Take care and stay safe.

Lillian de Lissa Nursery School



B5 7LX

Contact Information

Tel: 0121 675 3421

Office Manager -Eileen Dev:


Please ask at reception if you need a paper copy of any information given on this web site.

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