This information is changing constantly and will be updated as soon as it comes to us. Please check it often for new regulations and suggestions.

This document shows the essential isolation times we need to follow.

🔴 At our school we ask for you to take a Lateral Flow test on day 5 and day 6, which both need to be negative for the child to return to school. Please take a photo of these tests to show us. Thank You

This document is our Outbreak Management Plan:

Here is new information from the NHS about keeping young children healthy during Covid 19. The links that follow give you the information mentioned.

Dear Parent,

During the pandemic young children have not been exposed as often to the usual viral illnesses that they would normally develop immunity to. We are therefore expecting more than the usual numbers of viruses in children particularly in the 0-5 age range in the coming months. One of the common viruses causes a condition called bronchiolitis which is a common childhood condition that we expect to be even more common this year and to place increased demand on local NHS services. A cough and/or shortness of breath might mean bronchiolitis.


Bronchiolitis is usually a mild disease causing a cough but some children can become very unwell. The condition is not expected to be any more serious than usual. Because of the numbers of children that may be affected we are taking this opportunity to circulate material to parents to give advice and confidence on managing a poorly child and to help highlight if your child needs more immediate medical attention. Most children will only be mildly unwell.


We have attached three documents to assist you, but always trust your instincts and call for help if you are not sure:

  1. Local guidance with contacts to help you know when to seek advice
  2. National guidance for under 1s
  3. National guidance for over 1s


National guidance is from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. It is kept up to date and available from:    


We do hope that you find this information useful.


Kind regards,


Angela Brady


Dr Angela Brady

Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Birmingham and Solihull Clinical Commissioning Group

MBBS MSc (Med Leadership) DCH DRCOG MRCGP PgCert (Med Ed)


Parents, Carers and Teachers - Find out what step 4 of the Covid roadmap means for you.

24.03.2021 Covid-19 Vaccine

It is very encouraging news that with the success of the vaccine rollout, the average number of new cases of coronavirus in the UK has fallen substantially in recent weeks.

Please get your vaccine as soon as you are offered a vaccination. As well as greatly reducing the risk of severe illness, the vaccine also reduces the spread of the virus.

"If you have an invitation, please take it up. The sooner you get that first jab the sooner you start to get protection and that will help keep you out of hospital and help stop you dying if you catch coronavirus."

Dr Justin Varney, Director of Public Health in Birmingham 



Important information on how we need to be in school to keep everyone safe and healthy.


Drop off & Collection RoutineNursery children should be brought to site by no more than 1 adult. Please come down the right side of the drive and go back up on the other side. Make sure you keep a 2 metre distance from other parents and carers at all times. Children will be taken into school by a member of staff one at a time.

Daily Timetable

Children of nursery age are not able to socially distance themselves from one another and it is essential for them to play together. The group sizes in which they mix have, however been greatly reduced and the environment has been heavily adapted to reduce risk. Stringent cleaning and hand-washing regimes are in place. Children are being encouraged to spend as much time outdoors as possible, in keeping with our ethos and COVID-19 government guidelines. Please ensure you have supported your child to apply a factor 50 sun-cream before arriving at nursery. Even on the most dull day the UV factor is often very high at this time of the year.

Clothing & Children’s Possessions

Where possible, please ensure that your child’s clothes are washed with a powder detergent at 60 degrees Celsius each day on return home from nursery. Please try to ensure that children do not bring any unnecessary toys or other possessions into school as this can increase the risk of infection spread. We appreciate this may be challenging when children have items that sooth transition, particularly when they may have been out of school for some time. Please discuss this with us if it proves to be difficult. Children should not wear face masks in school.


As parents and carers it is very important that you keep your child at home if they display any of the symptoms of coronavirus

  • a new continuous cough
  • a high temperature
  • a loss of, or change in sense of taste or smell (anosmia)

Please take them for a P.C.R, not a Lateral Flow test and they can return to school if they test negative.

If children have any type of illness, they must not attend nursery. If a child complains of feeling unwell, for any reason, when they are in school, a parent or carer will be contacted and asked to collect them. The child will be kept separate from the other children and staff until they are collected. 
If a child complains of Covid-19 related symptom in school, they will be isolated from the other children and a parent or carer will be contacted to collect them. The child will only be permitted to return once a negative test result is confirmed or, if the test is positive, once the required quarantine period has been completed and the child is completely symptom free. Parents and carers of children in the group will be informed if another child or the designated member of staff is being tested for Covid-19.
If you, someone that you live with or someone that you have been in recent close contact with, has symptoms of COVID-19, you must not attend our site or allow your child to attend site until a negative P.C.R test result has been obtained for the whole family. Please keep us informed of the reasons for all absence.

Keeping in Touch

Parents and carers of children in the group will be informed if another child or the designated member of staff is being tested for Covid-19.

If you need to talk to a member of our team, we are here to help. We are encouraging contact via email ( or the telephone 0121 6753421 to support social distancing.

Here are some useful links to Birmingham City Council support services during this time.

South Parent Telephone Support Line Advert


Learning Difficulties Help

online safety guidence COVID 19 – V7

Sensory Support Help

Communication and Autism Help

Educational Psychology Help

Top Ten Tips to help your child

Letter from the Director of Public Health, Birmingham

Government Guidance and Support - Birmingham Restrictions

Letter about Test and Trace

Covid 19 School Risk Assessment

Lillian de Lissa Nursery School

B5 7LX

Contact Information

Tel: 0121 675 3421
Office Manager -Eileen Dev:

Please ask at reception if you need a paper copy of any information given on this web site.

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