Nursery Newsletter December 2022

Hello to all our lovely families!
We hope you are well. We are approaching a very busy time at nursery, so this newsletter is in paper format this month. We will go back to emailing the newsletter out in the new year.
The children have been busy rehearsing our Nativity play at nursery this week. They have done so well, you are in for a treat next week! It was so lovely to see all your smiling faces at parents evening this week, we have all had such a positive start to the year ahead!
During the last week of term, we will be having our Christmas party days. Please remember that nursery closes at 12.00 noon on Friday 16th December 2022.
We return back to nursery on Tuesday 3rd January 2023. To those families celebrating Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Dates for your diary
Wednesday 7th December at 10am- Jesus' Christmas Party (Our Nativity Play) Start of the week children. Parents welcome to attend.
Friday 9th December at 10am- Jesus' Christmas Party (Our Nativity Play) End of the week children. Parents welcome to attend
Wednesday 14th December – N1 Christmas party day
Friday 16th December- N2 Christmas party day. Nursery will close at 12noon for the Christmas holidays
Christmas holidays- Monday 19th December 2022 – Monday 2nd January 2023
Spring term starts on Tuesday 3rd January 2023
Parenting course starts at Lillian de Lissa on in the community room starting on Tuesday 10th January 2023 until 14th February 2023 9.30am-11.30am. You will receive a free well-being pack on completion of this course. Speak to your child's teacher if you are interested.
Please do not send your child into school with drinks, sweets or other food. We have several children who are severely allergic to fish, pulses and eggs etc. Please note we are also a nut free school. Thank you
Bags and Coats

Thank you for bringing in a bag for your child with clean clothes inside. Please note it only needs to contain clean spare clothes every day. Snacks and water bottles do not need to brought into nursery. Your child will have regular access to fresh water, toast and fruit every day. Please remember to label all clothing to avoid any confusion.
Early Help and Family Support
If you need help with accessing food banks, benefits, housing, finances, counselling, parenting courses, English classes or adult education please ask to see Mrs Sally Appadu. She can make an early help referral. There are many agencies that can help families at the moment in Birmingham.
You can also access Family Support by phoning Doddington Children's Centre on 0121 477 6440. You can leave a message with the receptionist and a duty family support worker will phone back. They will phone you back on the same day between 12noon and 4.00pm.
Attendance Matters
We understand that children are unwell sometimes but it is also important for us to promote good attendance at nursery.
The reasons for children to attend regularly at their early years setting are to support their learning and development, to make sure that children are kept safe, their wellbeing is promoted, and they do not miss out on their entitlements and opportunities.
Well done to those children whose attendance has been above 80% this term! They will be awarded an excellent attendance certificate in the last week of term.