Nursery Newsletter October 2022

Hello to all our lovely families!
Time goes by so quickly when you are learning so much at nursery! The children have settled into nursery routines well and are showing an interest in Autumn. If you spot any conkers in the area, then bring them to nursery as we are talking about them.
As the seasons change, the weather is starting to get cooler, so please remember to provide your child with a warm coat.
As you come into nursery every day please feel free to chat to us both as we love to hear your news and we want to get to know some of our new families!
Dates for your diary
w/c 3.10.22- Welcome parent workshops in the dining room 8.45am- 9.15am with Mrs Sally Appadu and Mrs Sam Bowker.
Every Tuesday stay and play in the community room 1.00pm-2.30pm
Thursday 6th October and Friday 7th October- INSET teacher training days (nursery is closed)
w/c17.10.22- School places workshops every day-Mrs Bowker will be supporting parents to apply for a school place. If your child was born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019, they will be able to start school in September 2023.
Friday 21st October – Break up for half term
Monday 24th October- Friday 28th October 2022 October half term
Monday 31st October 2022- Return to nursery
Important Update
As part of our Birmingham City Council policies and procedures, we have updated our safeguarding policy. A paper copy of this policy is available on request.
Please do not send your child into school with drinks, sweets or other food. We have several children who are severely allergic to fish, pulses and eggs etc. Please note we are also a nut free school. Thank you
Bags and Coats

Thank you for bringing in a bag for your child with clean clothes inside. Please note it only needs to contain clean spare clothes every day. Snacks and water bottles do not need to brought into nursery. Your child will have regular access to fresh water, toast and fruit every day. Please remember to label all clothing to avoid any confusion.
Early Help and Family Support
If you need help with accessing food banks, benefits, housing, finances, counselling, parenting courses, English classes or adult education please ask to see Mrs Sally Appadu. She can make an early help referral. There are many agencies that can help families at the moment in Birmingham.
You can also access Family Support by phoning Doddington Children's Centre on 0121 477 6440. You can leave a message with the receptionist and a duty family support worker will phone back. They will phone you back on the same day between 12noon and 4.00pm.
Last year we opened Lillian's in our 3-4 year old provision. It is a clothes rail which has a variety of children's clothes. Parents can take up to 3 items of clothing per week and it is completely free. Parents from N1 are also welcome to come to Lillian's.
Ask at Reception if you do not know where to find it.
We have had positive feedback from parents about this resource for the community.