Welcome to our 'Outstanding' Nursery School - Ofsted 2021

On behalf of the staff and governors may we extend a very warm welcome to you and your family to Lillian de Lissa Nursery School.

This is a Birmingham Local Authority Maintained Nursery School offering high quality, inclusive early education for children aged two to four years of age. We are staffed by qualified teachers, nursery officers and support staff, many of whom have obtained additional qualifications.

Lillian de Lissa Nursery School opened in 1973 and has a long history of being highly valued and well supported by our local community. We are a child-centred nursery school, which means that children spend much of their day engaged in self-directed learning. 

We believe that your children learn best through a play-based curriculum, with support from our established and experienced staff team who engage with children in their play to support social interaction, language development and all other learning and development opportunities.

Our children are citizens with rights which are promoted through caring respectful relationships.

The purpose of this website is to provide you with the general information about Lillian de Lissa Nursery School. We hope you find everything you need and find it helpful in preparing your family before your child starts with us. 

We look forward to meeting you and sharing the ethos and vision that make Lillian de Lissa such a unique place to be. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements or to arrange a visit.


Lillian de Lissa Nursery School

B5 7LX

Contact Information

Tel: 0121 675 3421
Office Manager -Eileen Dev:
Email: enquiry@ldelissa.bham.sch.uk

Please ask at reception if you need a paper copy of any information given on this web site.

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