School Policies & Procedures
Please note that as a member of the Birmingham Federation of Maintained Nursery Schools, we hold a number of shared documents, policies and procedures with our 'sister' schools that have been adopted by our Full Governing Board. These include:
Acceptable Use Agreement
BCC Code of Conduct
Best Value Statement
Birmingham Curriculum Statement
Birth to Five Matters
Child on Child Abuse
Data Protection
Dignity at Work
Effective Operation of the Federation Board of Governors
EYFS Framework
Grievance Procedure
Guidance for Safer Working Practice
Health and Wellbeing
Infection Control
Keeping Children Safe in Education (Sept 2021)
Needlestick Injuries
No Platform for Extremism
Record of Policies Signed by the Chair of Governors
Remote Learning
Safer Recruitment
Virtual Attendance
Whistleblowing and Serious Misconduct.
These shared policies can be accessed here: