New children are introduced to the nursery gradually. We admit a few children at a time during the first few weeks of the new school year so that we can spend time supporting children as they become familiar with our school.

*Please note that this is running differently during the Covid 19 pandemic as we are not permitted to have parents and carers on site.

Your child will be part of a small group of children who share a key member/members of staff who are responsible for the "family group". It is important that you take your child to greet their key member of staff, so we know who has arrived each morning. (This is running slightly different during the Covid pandemic)

Some young children find the move from home to school upsetting and, if so, parents are expected to stay with their child for the first session and maybe for longer if they are finding it difficult to settle.

Please be patient, as children take varying amounts of time to feel happy about being left. Please make arrangements to be available for approximately the first few days. We prefer parents to support their child's first few days, but if this is not possible please arrange for a familiar adult to support your child on your behalf.

When the staff feel that your child can be left you may be asked to sit in our staff room for a short time. When you leave your child in school during the settling in period it is very important that you return at the specific time which is given.

All children attend for shorter hours for the first few days. Dinners are introduced when your child is settled and the length of the day is then gradually extended when the staff feel that your child is ready to stay for longer.

Please be guided by the staff's experience, as it is very important that your child settles happily into school.

Lillian de Lissa Nursery School



B5 7LX

Contact Information

Tel: 0121 675 3421

Office Manager -Eileen Dev:


Please ask at reception if you need a paper copy of any information given on this web site.

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