Nursery News Letter March 2021

Message from Mrs Cryan and Mrs Sally Appadu Mrs Mandy Cryan Mrs Sally Appadu We wish a warm welcome back to more of our families this week, it's so good to see you and we have missed you all! This week our living eggs are arriving and we will be watching them as they hatch out and grow into chicks. We will be looking after them at Nursery for a fortnight and the children will gain so many valuable learning opportunities from having them here at Nursery. Ask your child about them over the next 2 weeks and share with us what they say!

Dates for your diary

Monday 8th March 2021– Living eggs arrive at Nursery

Friday 19th March 2021– Chicks leave Nursery

Comic Relief– Red Nose Day– Friday 19th March 2021

Tuesday 30th March– 2 year old provision closes at 11.30am for new starters in April 2021

Thursday 1st April 2021- Break up for Easter Holidays

Monday 19th April 2021– Back to Nursery for the Summer Term

Friday 28th May 2021– Break up for May half term

Monday 31st May 2021– Friday 4th June 2021– May Half Term

Monday 7th June– Return to Nursery for the 2nd Summer Term

Focus Children– Parent Meetings

Each week we complete observations on children in the nursery and we are now

starting to have meetings with parents over the phone. This is so we can share what your child has been learning and how much progress they have made. Your child’s Key Worker will arrange this meeting at a convenient time with you from now until the end of this academic year. This is also an opportunity for you to share some information about your home life with us. We look forward to  having these meetings with you!


30 Hour Codes

If your child has a 30 hour code please remember to reconfirm your code by

Wednesday 31st March as this is the final deadline.

If you are a working family whose child attends 2 and a half days and you think you may be eligible then please visit the following website

Alternatively make an appointment with Mrs Sally Appadu on a Wednesday afternoon and she will be able to help you.


Dinner Money and School fund

Please pay Dinner money to David at


Dinner money is £2.00 a day. Please

also remember to pay school fund as this buys the lovely extras that our

children have.

£1 per week for part time children

£2  per week for full time     



Please remember if your child is

showing symptoms of Coronavirus;

A new continuous cough,

high temperature

or loss of taste and smell,

you will be advised to keep your child at home for 10 days or take your child for a

coronavirus test. 

Thank you for your continued support we are working well together to make sure that we keep everyone safe.


Wearing Masks

 We need parents to wear masks (unless exempt) when they;

  • Bring and collect their child and are waiting outside
  • Come to reception to pay dinner money or school fund
  • Come and chat to Mrs Sally Appadu.

This is so that we can keep

everyone safe


Please do not bring in snacks with your child as they come into nursery. We are still finding snacks, nuts and sweets in children’s bags and sometimes in their coat pockets. We are a nut free school and have children who attend with various allergies.

This is very important

Lillian de Lissa Nursery School



B5 7LX

Contact Information

Tel: 0121 675 3421

Office Manager -Eileen Dev:


Please ask at reception if you need a paper copy of any information given on this web site.

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