Nursery News Letter September 2021

Hello and Welcome to all our lovely families!

Welcome back to our returning children and families. We will be sending out our newsletters every month. Please feel free to chat to  us both as we love to hear your news and get to know some of our new families.

                  Mrs Mandy Cryan                                Mrs Sally Appadu


Dates for your diary…

INSET Training Day– Wednesday 20th October 2021 (Nursery closed for children)

October Half term– Break up Friday 22nd October 2021

We return back to nursery on Monday 1st November 2021






                        Bags and Coats

Thank you for bringing in a  bag for your child with clean clothes inside. Please note it only needs to contain clean spare clothes every day.  Snacks and water bottles do not need to brought into nursery. Your child will have regular access to fresh water, toast and fruit every day.

Please label your child’s coat with their name.


Start and End times of our   Nursery School day 

Our doors open at 8.45am and we start our day at 9.15am prompt.

At the end of the day our doors open at 2.50pm and 11.25am on a Wednesday (Monday to Wednesday children)

We open our doors on Wednesday at 12.30 (Wednesday to Friday children)

For parents with older siblings we have an earlier pick up time at 2.25pm prompt. Then it is story time which is a very important time to us. The next pick up time after 2.25pm is 2.50pm.

Children not collected by 3pm will be taken to the After School Club and

parents will be charged.



Please do not send your child into school with drinks, sweets or other food. We have several children who are severely allergic to fish, pulses and eggs etc. Please note we are also a nut free school. Thank you.


Family Support

If you need help with benefits, housing, finances, counselling, parenting courses, english classes or adult education please see Isma at Reception and make an appointment to see

Mrs Sally Appadu. She can make referrals to family support. You can also access family    support by phoning Doddington Green Children’s Centre on 0121 477 6440




  Dinner Money and School fund

Please pay Dinner money to David at


Dinner money is £2.20 a day. Please also remember to pay school fund as this buys the lovely extras that our

children have.

£1 per week for part time children

£2  per week for full time     


Facebook and Instagram page

We have a Lillian de Lissa Facebook and Instagram page so if you access social media, please like us and follow us. We will be giving you

regular updates about what the children have been doing at nursery.




Lillian de Lissa Nursery School



B5 7LX

Contact Information

Tel: 0121 675 3421

Office Manager -Eileen Dev:


Please ask at reception if you need a paper copy of any information given on this web site.

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