Nursery News Letter April 2021

Message from Mrs Cryan and Mrs Appadu We wish a warm welcome back to our families! The children have returned after the Easter Holidays so well. Some of our children have moved up to our 3-4 year old provision and they have done so with such confidence and independence, we are very impressed! Next week we have a new arrival of some more living eggs. Be prepared to be very excited as we watch more eggs hatch and turn into chicks before our very eyes.

Dates for your diary

Monday 26th April 2021– Living eggs arrive at Nursery

Wednesday 28th April– Maths themed activities at Nursery to raise awareness of Captain Tom’s 100 steps

Friday 7th May 2021– Chicks leave Nursery

Monday 3rd May 2021– Nursery is closed Early May Bank Holiday

Thursday 6th May 2021—Nursery is closed for Voting Day ( Teacher Training Day)

Friday 28th May 2021—Break up for May Half Term holiday

Monday 31st May 2021– Friday 4th June 2021– May Half Term

Monday 7th June– Nursery closed Teacher Training Day

Tuesday 8th June 2021– Return to Nursery for Summer Term 2

Friday 9th July 2021– Nursery closed Teacher Training Day















National School Offer Day was on Friday 16th April 2021 For children who will start School in Reception from September 2021.

Please fill out the slip to indicate which school your child has been offered. This is so we can plan transition meetings with your child’s new teachers throughout the summer term.


Picking up children– 3– 4 year olds

If you are in a hurry to pick up your child please note that we have an early pick up time at 2.25pm (please arrive on time as story time follows this)


Please could we ask that you are patient with teaching staff as they bring your child out to you. There is a bit of a wait

sometimes but the early pick up time is an option for you.

If you  would like to speak about this further then please come and see Mrs Sally Appadu

Thank you for your continued



Picking up children– 3– 4 year olds

If you are in a hurry to pick up your child please note that we have an early pick up time at 2.25pm (please arrive on time as story time follows this)


Please could we ask that you are patient with teaching staff as they bring your child out to you. There is a bit of a wait

sometimes but the early pick up time is an option for you.

If you  would like to speak about this further then please come and see Mrs Sally Appadu

Thank you for your continued



Family Support

If you need help with benefits, housing, finances, counselling, parenting courses, English classes or adult education please see Isma at Reception and make an

appointment to see Mrs Sally Appadu. She can have a chat with you and make

referrals to family support.

You can also access family support by phoning Doddington Green Children’s Centre on 0121 477 6440


Wearing Masks

 We need parents to wear masks (unless exempt) when they;

  • Bring and collect their child and are waiting outside
  • Come to reception to pay dinner money or school fund
  • Come and chat to Mrs Sally Appadu.



Please do not bring in snacks with your child as they come into nursery. We are still finding snacks, nuts and sweets in children’s bags and sometimes in their coat pockets. We are a nut free school and have children who attend with various allergies.

This is very important.


Lillian de Lissa Nursery School



B5 7LX

Contact Information

Tel: 0121 675 3421

Office Manager -Eileen Dev:


Please ask at reception if you need a paper copy of any information given on this web site.

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